Saturday, August 22, 2009
Berpuasa di Malaysia

Friday, August 21, 2009
Ramadhan Mubarak

Friday, August 14, 2009
Celoteh Si Kecil
Dear Readers...
Just thought of posting a short one about my niece..my sister in law's daughter. I was talking to her a minute ago about me not knowing the road in Ipoh yet. I am in the process of knowing and familiarising myself with the roads and streets around here. However, I am the type of person who will only get familiar with a certain route if I use it frequently...
Back to our story, I am following my sister in law to a place and I will be taking back the car after. 'Ala kulli hal, I do not the the route back home. Hence, I asked my sister in law if I could take Nabihah along, kak Ila's 6 years old daughter. Kak Ila said OK! No Problem. Guess what? Nabihah knows the road...I am so amazed..
Hence I said,
" Waaaahhhh, hebatnya Nabihah!"
Do you want to know what Nabihah said?
"Memanglah che emi! Bihah dah lama hidup dekat sini!"
Then she giggled...for a small girl, she is very intelligent. In my heart I said to myself, Bihah sounds like an adult...
See..children will always put adults around them as a role model. They pick up things very fast, hence they will react or say things based on the examples set upon them. If the surroundings and examples portrayed are positive and proper, then the child will turn out to be a rather pleasant one. Otherwise, you know what output can you get from them.
There's an old malay saying, "Melentur Buluh Biar Dari Rebungnya".This is very true my dear readers. If you want to mould your children do it from when they are still young where we will be the one in responsibility to decide on the path that we want them to follow. One of the book that might come in handy to help us muslims to raise our children the right way is, "Tarbiyatul Aulad by Abdullah Nasih Ulwan". I have read part of it and as of now, in my opinion it is a very good guidance to learn how to raise a child and create the environment we want them to grow in.
May we gain some benefit from this post biiznillah.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Bencana Demi Bencana Melanda...
Assalamualaikum wrm wbt my dear readers,
Semoga antum berada di dalam kemanisan iman dan amal...InshaAllah this week I would like to enlighten you with a series of question...
Cuba jeling sikit ke tajuk post hari ni.. Bencana Demi Bencana Melanda...
Swine flu, sars, chikungunya, landslide, flood, typhoon and etc. What do you think? Another disease? Just a normal landslide? Another natural disaster? Coincidence?
I don’t think so!!!
As I was watching the news, tiba2 berita memaparkan beberapa kes bencana alam dan wabak yang sedang melanda..imagine all the above are happening all around the world...sekali lagi saya bertanya...adakah ini kebetulan? Atau bencana alam yang tunggu masa, giliran dan arahan dari Allah untuk melanda dunia?
Sesungguhnya ini semua adalah peringatan yang Allah turunkan buat kita yang tidak sedar-sedar ini. Lihatlah! Fikirkanlah! Betapa Allah sayangi kita semua...Allah swt bagi kita Al Quran to help us lead our life the Islamic way, Allah tidak bosan menurunkan peringatan kepada kita agar bertaubat...kembali ke pangkal jalan...menjalankan tanggungjawab kita sebagai seorang muslim...natijahnya supaya kita sedar dan bersedia menghadapi segala kemungkinan yang ada..
Ribut taufan di Taiwan, tanah runtuh di China, gempa bumi di Jepun dan swine flu di seluruh dunia. Innalillah hi wa inna ilaihi rojiuun! Astaghfirullah hal ‘azim! Subhanallah! Allah Maha Besar lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Sesungguhnya manusia ini golongan yang tidak pernah bersyukur. Tidak pernah menghargai masa dan kehidupan yang Allah berikan dengan sebaik mungkin...sesungguhnya nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita ni sementara sahaja...ingatlah 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara. Apa 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara tu?
· Muda sebelum Tua
· Sihat sebelum Sakit
· Lapang sebelum Sempit
· Kaya sebelum Miskin
· Hidup sebelum Mati
Ada hadis and even song created after this hadith as a daily reminder...hmmm..masalahnya kita ni, sangat lah ignorant...tidak kisah atau tidak mahu mengambil tahu...lagu-lagu nasyid atau hadis dijadikan sekadar irama untuk menyedapkan telinga dan menggoyangkan tubuh...bukannya digunakan untuk mengambil iktibar atau sebagai peringatan!
This particular hadith can conclude the whole topic. Kita disuruh hargai dan ambil kesempatan menggunakan nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita sementara masih ada...tetapi mengapa kita tidak menghargainya? Bila segala nikmat ditarik...di saat dan ketika itulah kita baru terkial-kial menangisi kehilangan nikmat yang diberi. Di saat-saat swine flu berleluasa barulah kita mengingati Allah..solat hajat merata-rata, pencegahan di sana sini. Mengapa sebelum ini tidak begitu? Sampai bila kita hendak begini? Sampai bila baru kita hendak sedar akan jumlah kemungkaran dan maksiat yang berlaku di dunia ini? Kita tidak berlaku adil kepada Allah swt. Bila Allah timpakan musibah..’auzubillah hi min zalik...kita pulak yang persoalkan keadilan dan takdir Ilahi! Where’s the justice in that? Sementara Allah pula sangat menyayangi kita..buat tawaran lagi di dalam Al-Quran. Apa tawarannya?
Jom kita buka Quran dan semak bersama-sama firman Allah di dalam surah
10. O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment.
11. That you believe in Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), and that you strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allâh with your wealth and your lives, that will be better for you, if you but know!
12. (If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow, and pleasant dwelling in Gardens of 'Adn Eternity ['Adn (Edn) Paradise], that is indeed the great success.
Why are we ignoring these testaments? Why are we not taking advantage to earn Al-Jannah? Why? Why? Why?
Saya menulis ini sebagai peringatan buat para pembaca dan diri yang kerdil ini. Semoga kita dapat mengambil kesempatan yang ada untuk fikir-fikirkan dan bermuhasabah kembali tentang apa yang telah kita lakukan sepanjang kehidupan kita...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Secangkir Starbuck Senilai Secangkir Darah Palestina dan Lebanon

Para aktifis boikot ini meletakkan kafe ini di urutan pertama dari perusahaan, produk, dan restoran yang diboikot. Islamonline menegaskan, aksi anti perusahaan kafe kelas internasional Strarbuck ini mulai marak sejak dipublikasikan sebuah artikel pemimpin pelaksana perusahaan, Howard Schultz di situs Zayubidia yang sangat peduli dengan kepentingan Israel dan dirinya menegaskan, perusahaanya memberikan sumbangan setengah keuntungannya untuk negara Israel sejak negara zionis melakukan invasinya ke Libanon.
Sejak dipublikasikan artikel inilah warga Saudi mulai menyebarkan informasi ini melalui pesan singkat di telepon genggam yang menyerukan untuk melakukan boikot kafe Strabuck. Salah satu bunyi SMS ini adalah “hati-hati… anda mendukung Yahudi dengan secangkir kopi… boikot Starbuck.” Dalam internet juga tersebar poster yang berunyi “pemimpin perusahaan Starbuck menyumbang setengah keuntungannya untuk pemerintah Israel sejak perangnya atas Libanon… saya bersaksi kepada Allah dan malaikatnya bahwa saya memboikot Starbuck”.
Perusahaan kafe Starbuck belakangan mengumumkan laba pada kwartal kedua tahun 2006 ini mencapai 1,9 milyar USD. Dan kini ia sedang merencanakan membuka kafe 1800 baru di seluruh dunia hingga akhir tahun ini.
Di Arab Saudi saja Caffe Shoop milik Starbuck beromset 15 milyar Reyal setiap tahun.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Mountain
I gave my Salam to the mountain
And I drank from the mountain stream
And I walked upon its surface
And it all felt like a dream
And this mountain it is a Muslim
And I feel like he's my friend
And as I climbed on to his peak
I wished it would never end
Allahu Allahu Allahu (throughout)
La Ilaha Ella Allah (throughout)
We should be like the mountain
It never complains
We should be like the mountain
It praises God and never complains
We should be like the mountain
Like the mountain
I gave my Salam to the mountain
And I strive through the wind and the snow
And something caught my eye up in the sky
And I wished it would never let go
Cause this mountain it is a Muslim
And I feel like he's my friend
And as I climbed on to his peak
I wished it would never end
Subhanaka Ya Allah
Glory be to You oh Allah
On this mountain I feel complete
And while I'm here to this mountain I will speak
Subhanaka Ya Allah
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Seek Knowledge or Walk Ignorance?
Assalamualaikum Wrm Wbt
May this post reach my dearest readers in your best iman and amal biiznillah.
My post today is mainly about ‘Knowledge’...subhanallah it is an interesting topic to speak of. Along my journey of life in the UK, I was so thankful to have met friends who put in a lot of effort and interest into gaining knowledge. Reading plenty of journals, books and the news! Subhanallah..that's a lot of time and energy put together...but if you add a bowl of interest and a spoon of effort, it would give you the best recipe of life. A wise sahabah once said, “Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile. [Abu Bakr As Siddiq]. A very interesting and significant statement to benefit every single muslim in this world and that's including me, myself and I. This post is not only meant for my fellow readers but it is also a reminder and a motivator for me to appreciate knowledge. This message is to convey the importance of knowledge in our daily muslims’ life in order to contribute towards the resurrection of Islam in this world.
Alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah wa astaghfirullah. I am very thankful to Allah to have bestowed upon me with families and friends who love knowledge and had encouraged me to do the same. I used to be a book worm when I was young. Reading adventurous books like Nancy Drew and a few others from several different authors used to give me an active imagination. But that is beside the point...What I am trying to say is..the fact that I read books had made me feel good about myself. However, as I grew up, that habit faded away hence leaving me to be a rather empty person. Hmmm..it hurts to have that particular feeling. You feel empty without knowledge.
Speaking of knowleddge, suddenly it reminds me of Kak Ila..my sister in law..Kak Ila enjoys reading...A LOT!!!! I envy her..hehe in a good way ye kak ila..of course. I want to have that joyous feeling again when it comes to reading...The best part is that when Kak Ila tells us what she read, she relates the subject or the story plot with Islam and our way of life. Once we went into MPH, as Kak Ila wanted to buy a book. While we were queueing up to pay, there was a lady at the cashier whom was waiting for the books that she bought to be wrapped. Kak Ila saw the set of books and smirked at me, "I've read them all. They were very interesting". I was like...WOW!!! That's 5/6 books in a row...mind you...they were not thin, small books. All of them were thick. Kak Ila really inspires me to be more persistant when it comes to reading. Not necessarily you have to read books with hard cold facts...add a gist of variety in your quest of seeking knowledge. It will give you a creative mind plus it makes you a totally different person when dealing with your daily life.
It is true as what had been quoted from Saidina Abu Bakr about not having knowledge...it is true..you do not know what is going on and you loose interest about everything except yourself. You will be living in fantasy rather than reality. Since I stopped reading..I learnt to be easily bored with watching news and anything that has relation to reading or knowledge. I tend to get sleepy. Not even a full 10 minutes! I tried developing the habit again but it was too difficult to start with other distractions like television, internet and other daily commitments.
Hmmmm.....Excuses...Excuses! Sad Face Emi!
Always remember 1 of 10 of the muwasafat tarbiyyah: "Wide range of knowledge"....It is very crucial for us to gain as much knowledge as we could. Alhamdulillah wa Astaghfirullah...since I was blessed with the chance to walk on this path, I began to learn the essentiality of knowledge especially as a muslim. A wise man once quoted, " No Islam Without Knowledge" [Sayyid Abul A'la Al Maududi]. Clearly it is impossible to become a Muslim and remain a Muslim in a state of ignorance. Maududi again mentioned that:
"Being born in Muslim homes, bearing Muslim names, dressing like Muslims and calling yourselves Muslims is not enough to make you Muslims. True Muslims know what Islam stands for and believe in it with full consciousness."
Have we ever ask ourselves...what is the real difference between a Kafir (a non-muslim: who does not accept God's guidance and is ungrateful to Him) and a Muslim? Any idea? You there? Staring at the screen?
The difference is not that of a name, that one is called Samy, Ho Chi Ming or Ahmad. According to Maududi, no one is a Kafir or a Muslim simply because of his name. Nor does the real difference lie in the fact that one wears a necktie and the other wears a turban. The real deal is that of knowledge. A Kafir does not understand God's relationship to him and his relationship to God. As he does not know the will of God he cannot know the right path to follow in his life.
Think about it....! If a Muslim grows up ignorant of God's will, what ground can there be to continue calling him a Muslim rather than a Kafir?
"It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding. " [Ali Imran:7]
Take home message:
To all Muslims out there...let's seek as much knowledge as we could while we are still breathing and make ourselves a better muslim. Don't let yourselve astray alone in the dark.
Wallahua'lam. May this post benefit all of us.